Monday, March 31, 2014

Secret to success and happiness?

Picture says it all.  Success and happiness comes from helping and teaching others to become successful.  What have you done to contribute to others happiness?

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Vemma: People Helping People

This video gets me all the time.  There are such negative view on Vemma because outsiders see it as a group of people trying to get rich when in reality it's all about people helping people.  Once you become financially stable, the feeling to reach out to your community or to others in general that are struggling in life is overwhelming.  The fact that you now have the chance to give back to others is an amazing thing.  The YPR shown in this video were a huge blessing to the families they helped in Guatemala.  Everyone can learn a thing or two from this experience.

Vemma:  Not a get rich quick company.  A people helping people company.  Just like what Alex Morton said in yesterday's training "It's all about helping others.  That's why everyone is so loyal to this company!"

If you like more information on how you can get started please call 646-784-6717
Click here to view our products.

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Ilean & Matthew Harris Joins Vemma!

Welcome Ilean & Matthew Harris for joining Vemma!  This company just keeps growing and growing!  Comment below for more information on how you can join the YPR movement.

Dream Big!

What drives you to success?  How big is your dream?  Your why?  The bigger your why is, the harder you'll work for it!
Click here to start your business today!

What's stopping you from success?

Stop making excuses.  If you want it as bad as you say you do, you will find a way.  Start your journey to financial freedom with Vemma's affiliate pack.
Click here to start your business today!

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Fuel your body with Vemma Renew

Give your body what it needs with Vemma Renew!  20 milligrams of plant sourced silica helps with giving you radiant skin, healthy hair, and strong nails.  Beauty starts within!  Click here to place your order.

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Introducing Verve MoJoe!

If you already pre-ordered Verve MoJoe then the chances are you already cracked open your first can and enjoyed the delicious drink!  If you haven't put in your order then click here.

Chris Powell Bod-E 12 Week Challenge!

Summer is around the corner!  Get your summer body by participating in the Chris Powell Bod-E 12 Week Challenge starting March 28! Click here for more information.